Saturn and Neptune are the ones that stuck with me. Great f*cking site. Good choices all around.
this was the Telarc version wif Andre Previn but can't remember who he was conductifying ... wait, this one:
DID YOU KNOW that if I were all put together, I'd be the 51st person out of a set of 50 really cool peoples? And I would qualify for 1/6th of an electrical boat, and I wouldn't afraid of anything.
Mr. DeNiro, ... Hi... I'm Drew... Thanks, good to meet you. I hope you forgive me, but um... we've spelled out the word on the script phonetically, and um, if you need a second to ... you know... work it out... No, we're sure it's right. Rye-bow - FLAY - Vin. ... I know, I know, it's weird, but we looked it up, it's definitely "FLAY-vin." ... OK, no, that's cool, ... No, FLAH-vin is fine, hey, it's just an honor to have you here. Sure, we're ready for another take.
Nerds! the cereal, Nerds! the gum, Nerds! the candy
Eat my sh*t, drink my piss
Be cool about fire safety.
Be cool about fire safety.
Be cool about fire safety.
Books: Check em out!
NOOOOO First Rock Hudson dies, and now firestrorm ! When will Reagan wakeup and sotp this terible plauge ? pretty young mens should not die of this plauge
Men. Confident, secure, assured. They know what they want. And they're damned sure going to get it. Sharing comraderie, a brotherhood of men. No matter whether they're black, white, sports jacket, turtleneck, or three-piece with vest, men with clean close shaves and fresh haircuts are ready for business, ready for relaxing at the end of the business day. Under the hint of aftershave they give off an animal scent - and women smell it - and they get excited. Corduroy.
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