I'll buy it because I like games, and it has some fantastic looking games. Some of the zealots and hate boys around here really are quite pathetic. Makes me sad for modern gamers really :(
"Lol anime haters. Seriously, you guys are just a bunch of 10-13 year olds
who hate anime because that's the cool thing."
No, they hate anime because it isn't made by white people.
Sad image splicing ftw.
I hate anime because it's made by people who aren't white like me!
Oh wait, thought I was several of the people who had posted above for a second there...
These get worse. Sigh...
The PS3 controller was based off of an old PS1 controller design(Videos of which can be found on Youtube). So in actual fact, it can be argued that Nintendo actually stole the idea for motion based controllers from Sony.
Oh the irony makes the fanboys cry!
Jesus this is just pitiful. The Xbox 360 has stolen more ideas from other people than the PS3 has losers. As has been said, get the f*ck over it fanboys.
Another pathetic one. Sigh...
I was far more satisfied with my PS1/2 than I ever was with any other console losers. Get over it and yourselves already.
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