(cont) He claims it's the renewal date - which is obviously bullsh*t. If this doesn't prove the whole thing is garbage, I don't know what would. Give it up, man.
Alright, http://www.botcollector.com/_images/Page/Comm/PrimeLicense.jpg has a picture of some jackoff's liscense, which reads, "Issue Date: 06/05/2001". Allen's supposed liscense has a date in the same area that reads "(something)/10/2005". He claims it's
And none of that really changes the fact that the liscense is complete bullsh*t, if only because of the signiture itself. There's no possible way that the beginning two letters, which read, "P/D/R h", and the last three which read, "ord" could be Allen Pe
It's too easy for you to completely refute any discrepancy pointed out with things that could easily be pulled out of your ass. So now he's got a bad back, in addition to congestive heart failure? It's all -very- hard to believe.
Also, in the "family reunion" picture, Brian looks to be in some sort of wheel-chair type thing, which the old lady is leaning on. Has BP been boozin' and abusin' since 1976? Gtfo.
Man.. this guy is a total hack. The f*cking liscense says "(is)sue date: something/10/2005", but he got it way back when? The last three letters of his terrible signiture also read, "ord"
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