Amazing. Simply Amazing. I tip my hat to you. But does anyone else find it funny how emotionless Snoop and Pharrell sound without the music? They sound like drones.
I love how this picture randomly goes between completely plausible characters to insanity, never in a million years characters. Didn't make the picture, but you did cite it. The music makes it complete. 4'd and fav.
I lol'd. The thought of four drunks playing Wii just seems hilarious. Further testing on this subject must happen. Alas, YTMND would have been better with if it had the 360 (you know, that other console) and, sorry to say this but, Brawl doesn't come out this year.
If the site isn't making any money, Ads are a neccisary evil to keep this place running. It isn't like you are using these ads as a get rich quick scheme. You're adding the ads to help maintain the site.
The song and the picture just tie together so well. The only thing wrong with it is that it would have been better with out the part with Sideshow Mel, as it kind of takes away from the hilarity.
The music just makes it that much more wrong, but it fits so perfectly. Excellent use of image/sound combination. Still doesn't change the fact that it's creepy.
I can't see how this idea hasn't been made into a site before this. It's so obvious. The song looping could be better, but that's about the only thing wrong with it.
Original idea and good image/music mixture. But the fact that most of the keys are empty kinda makes it feel empty.
I suggest a "Make NSFW", "Get Sued", or "Hall of Fame" button...
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