I know god loves me, and I know that existance isnt black and white.I want you to know that I dont give you a 1 out of hatered, only from extreme disagreement at your narrow and limited view of our creator.
And I accept all these ideas and views and opinions because I know in my heart that that is the way my creator would want me to live this life, speading love and acceptance wherever I tread. So go ahead and 1 this site if you must, but know that all your hatred of others with different views is just that, hatred. And I hope that some day you can see the world as I see it, a world with out hate or tyranical oppression of other's rights and views, and find peace with yourself on this planet. btw 5'd
What I think you should be doing is just sseeing this for what it is. A look at a little species on a little tiny planet in a far off galaxy in the chaotic firestorm that is existance, and realize that all the arguemants and fighting and hate doesnt matter at all on this small little place we all call home. what does matter is that we try to preserve this place, and tear it apart with all the stupid conflicts we constantly get into. Because when it's all said and done, this is home, and this is it.
Ithink what he would care about is the overall blind hatred that some of his followers are showing, what do you think will happen with all the supposed proof you're showing? Will Jesus and God give you a high five when you get up to heaven? I personally dont like thinking that the cosmos acts like some after school special, where my deity is a vain and wrathful king out to just pointlessly smite the non believers.He has more patience and love and acceptance in this world that all of you supposed holy men.
All of you fanatics on both sides need to calm the f*ck down, because all your doing is illustrating Sagan's point in the quote. All this blind hatred that is being givin to one another is all pointless, so you argue and debate and fight on some tiny little web site for hours on end about ideas that nobody the whole of existance will ever begin to understand. To all the so called religous people on this site, do you really think that god even cares about what some dude said on a web site?
F*ck off any of you that give this a 1. George Bush is the worst president in U.S. history, and I wouldnt be suprised if he did cause a nuclear f*cking holocost. BTW proboganda is when information gets mass distributed among a populace and shows, no logical or referenced ideas in its contents, this is just one man's personal opinion and not endorsed by a governmental agency. so you can stop trying to sound educated and reffering to this as propaganda you tools. WHOOO!! btw 5'd for the truth!
Tecmo, downvoter and upvoters for that matter give site extreme vote ranges, never 2's 3's or 4's. It's all just SUCKS or AWESOME. thats why I personally hate downvoters for being so closed minded and f*cking with the ytmnd voting system. BTW 5'd for great originality.
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