May I be the first to say that your Website says, "DC's Answer to a Crippled SPIDERman". You're gonna wanna change that so you don't get bashed, you know?
Someone already did this and they failed miserably. I advised to him that he was the load his mom should have swallowed and I advise that to your mother aswell. =\
This is the second Piece of Sh*t YTMND I've found in the past 22 f*cking seconds. What the hell is up with you people? You're the load your mom should have swallowed.
Holy f*cking raptor jesus. You Pwned him. I'm amazed at this YTMND that you've made, and I hope the fat f*ck gets what he deserves. Sean would shake your hand because, quite frankly, You Are The Man Now, Dog.
f*cking lame. It would've been nice if I waited a while to actually see the f*cking thing in the movie theater, but I guess it won't be all that much fun, now won't it?
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