Instant 1's for anyone who associates these nutjobs with mainstream Christianity. It's just like Islam - for the most part, muslims DON'T condone terrorism ... just ask the ones here at West Point ...
(BTW, if anyone's curious, the bug has to do with the way Notepad handles Unicode. It seems to take a guess at the composition if a certain bytevalue is present in the beginning. You only see the Chinese if you have that language support enabled, else the glyphs map to empty space, rendered by default as boxes. Thus, nothing is being hidden, just misread.)
Congratulations, you exploited a bug that functions with phrases of similar construction (i.e. this app can break) and used it to promote childishly a point that, however true, has been forever marked by your stupidity. Instant 1!
Ahh, ME-tan in an HEV suit ... now, all she needs to do is microwave the crowbar and ...
Now here's a question of ironic intent - can HL2 even RUN on WinME?
My bank account cries at the cost of the products - I've been trying MIDI sequencers and trackers alternately, but can't find real great samples for free :/
Incredible work, especially NSMB. I would likely pay for a complete album of these - and if it boosts your motivation any, they sound professionally done ...
(BTW, I happen to like the somber mixes of RIT90's ...)
The definition of 'you need to pee' is that scene in Titanic where the water is rushing through the corridors. In the theaters. After finishing off your second ginormous soda ...
Not bad, not bad at all ...
To the haters - hey guys, about 95% of YTMNDs are stolen from each other anyways, and this one's a pretty decent parody, so STFU and take your hypocrisy with you.
And to the people who couldn't understand - meh, I could :P
Uhh, religion bashing and wrong word =1.
A warning is what you gave. A spoiler would be something like "Jesus dies." or "Cain kills Abel." Learn your vocabulary before bashing religions.
You can get .SPC players and .SPC files off of Zophar's Domain - they are the original SNES sound files (and the players emulate the sound core). In the SMB2 collection, the trackname is "Boss 3-4 & 5-8" ... using Winamp's Diskwriter, you can then get a WAV to play with and/or encode; that's what I do when I want to get MP3s of
A, just because I'd rather have someone to talk to rather than being completely alone. I think in a deserted island situation, sex is a secondary concern :/
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