Zach's recent comments:

October 27th, 2004
Just kidding, Tytus. You know we love you. For those of you who found this on random or whatever, go die. You won't understand. -Zach-
July 31st, 2004
Hakksaw (nice spelling there, by the way): what movie have you seen that has the words "nigga stole my bike" in it? TV show? Song? Because if he just had a clip of somebody saying "NIGGA! NIGGA! NIGGA!" or something, it would suck. Now shut the f*ck u
July 30th, 2004
lowcast...and like your page is any better...?
July 30th, 2004
On on the site ?
That f*cking sucked. I hope you get stabbed in the face with a rusty chisel and die.
May 11th, 2004
May 11th, 2004
On on the site ?Your Site Sucks
Eh, it's for use on the forums to answer crit requests...
May 10th, 2004
On on the site ?Good Burger!
Awesome...that brings me back