T3H‑N45TY‑M1DN1GH7's recent comments:

February 3rd, 2008
it just got linked on digg, now that it isn't on the digg front page it wont keep getting views
Picture. Sound Text.
ya im sad i started viewing this and maddox around 2005 and ive had to watch them both die in the last year or so
this site wouldn't make any sense if he used a different song
Reply to Magnum's comment on the site ?nsmb
The abuse is beginning
another sh*tty powerpoint
NEDM is coming!!!!!!!
This will be classic
someone linked this on Fark /incoming views
January 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Mac vs. PC
this is the funniest ive seen in a long time
November 19th, 2006
lol farktmnd
October 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Neo vs FPS_Doug
needs more boom headshot
i hope u die in a car wreck
Goldeneye FTW!!!!!1