Another excellent site. Great how you coat the whole gif with such a sense of young tragedy. Moving and memorable, but not overdone or corny.
Classy, and the nostalgia is freshly spilled making it fresh and evervecnet (sp?) like smelling mud and grass after a fresh rain.
just found your profile.
Brilliant work.
Love the simplicity of this. Just a girl caught in a moment of deluded beauty. Melancholy with a honey coating. Great stuff.
Its title describes the piece. A man, representing ignorance approaches enlightment. If you examine the piece you would notice subtle,but brilliant, pieces to this piece: The man's face is first hidden, then when he sees the light he accepts it warmly and with a smile on his face before he errupts in a brillant moment of enlightenment. Perhaps the face itself hints at subconcious undertones of race( black man with white hair), and the fact he is dressed in a military uniform (saying something about war?)
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