95% of the transformers community is quite good at hacking or something similar. And while that forum in particular isn't that big in the transfandom, if you hit some of the bigger boards like AllSpark, Transfandom, TfArchive and the like, you'd probably get more than you bargained for. I'd suggest raping Seibertron up the *ss though. That place deserves it. Seibertron and Bigbot.
This type of thing is the very reason christianity is dying. Christians are using the same scare tactics they've used for the past 500 years in a time where there less to be scared of. Instead of trying to be loving, and caring as they always claim is their intention, they try and scare you. They try and make you second guess yourself instead of just trying to make you feel, for a lack of a better term, loved by their god.
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