I believe that is Keith Apicary from the show Talking Classics on ScrewAttack.com. That is from his E3 coverage this year... he got thrown out for doing a lot of stunts like the one you are looking at in the GIF.
Nice sync! My animation and sound froze up during the last loop of "f you up" and it just played the smacking sound like crazy. I thought it was just your ytmnd doing some Poland-type bullsh*t, but my computer froze. That's what I get for running my Q9550 at 4 Ghz on air cooling.
Stupid. Here's what you do. Get the scene in Jurassic Park where the Raptor is hatched from the egg in the lab. Then do something christmasy with it and it can be Raptor Jesus on the Manger or something. Site me.
Wow, this was funny as sh*t. And that is saying a lot since I am on here all the time for years. I saw this commercial last year and thought it was retarded. Christ, I think I laughed my dick off... seriously. Someone call me a doctor.
I'll just leave this here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbUKN0ERMQQ&fmt=18 About the phenomenon you are talking about, but from a News Cast's point of view when it happens. Audio ain't the best, but it looks great.
Technically Stallone was in and Arnold movie... Last Action Hero. Remember in the video store when the kid is trying to find Schwarzenegger movies, but only finds Arnold movies with Stallone as the actor instead? They even had Stallone on a Terminator 2 standee. He is credited in the movie as well as a prop... http://www.subirimagenes.com/imagenes/previo/thump_381480LastActionHero_cartel.jpg In Twins Arnold compares his Abs to Stallone's and in Demolition Man there is a "President Schwarzenegger." F*GS.
AWESOME!! I rented this from my local library two years ago... thank god I still use my VCR. Anyway, I tell people about this all the time. The actual dude is SO SCARY, like a giant Samoa man. I am telling anyone sh*t if that guy is going to kill MY dog... raptor jesus christ almighty NO!
Thank you for this! Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugTeOz7rsgE ... if you search "Domestic Violence" PSA, you find a lot of awesome stuff, but mainly student videos.
You should make another one where it loops for a few seconds and the gun discharges into Marge's face and/or vagina. Preferably the vagina. She's already had her children and her birthing years are well behind her. Hopefully you miss the artery, but her death could add a few more sh*tty seasons to the show.
That gift place is sweet. I got a hat that looks like a Pizza! You should have mainly hung out at the Coke Bottle next door or the Game Works, get one all day pass and use it for EVERYONE! Jokes on them. We just juiced the machines with a ton of lives and then played. Also, I got a 3.777 cumulative GPA you stupid son of a bitch!
CONGRATS! You have won the Internets! This is amazing... absolutely amazing. Maybe this will spawn some Shamwow-T1000 spinoff. Something I am too lazy to do as well. GOD SPEED, Captain of entertainment.
http://www.deadoraliveinfo.com/dead.nsf/lnames-nf/Lloyd+Christopher HE IS ALIVE! I am wondering how Carradine, Fawcett, Jackson, McMahon, and Mays can die sort of young, but guys like Abe Vigoda can live to be 1,000.
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