Yaaaaahaahahahaaahhahahahaahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahhahaahahhaahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahaaaaaaaaaaa..... (I want one of those.)
I knew as soon as I saw this commercial that "Dad Got Hoes" would wind up on YTMND. Not bad, kiddo...not bad. Oh, and that daughter of his is f*cking HOT. I'd totally hit it.
Classic memories (although I think a "Ridin' Spinnaz" version would be fun too). Maybe also link running around the town fountain at night with some song like "Walk Around in Circles."
Well, she doesn't really change poses. The facial expressions shift slightly though. And even though "Mad World" is a nice song and all, I think I prefer "Call on Me." Still, a nice piece of work. I like the dissolves.
Yes, I'm a TF fan-boy (Gen 1), but these whiny little snots that take this thing too seriously need to STFU. It's a freakin' viral marketing stunt. The writers are under no obligation to include the top vote-getter or any other line. They got hype for the movie from places they nomally wouldn't (YTMND), so their checks are getting signed at the end of the day.
FWIW, I also submitted "All your base are belong to us," "MegatrAAAAAAAHN!" and "Scottie doesn't know" for consideration, but I've been splitting my votes between "barrel roll" and "pretzels."
5 for whiny TF fans and for giving us the link to the forum. I'm pissed that they didn't go with my line: "Enough is enough! I've had it with these motherf*cking Decepticons on this motherf*cking planet!"
Nintendo Wii FTW!
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