thats why you source your references so people can see its actually original content, plus, no one on this site (to the best of my knowledge) actually gets paid, youtube is largely dominated by retarded spam jockeys who subscribe to 14 yo girls talking about their problems
lol the only nearly awsome things in was when she's on the beach and he's kissing her leg, goes a bit higher... goes a bit higher... swaps to her face and shes spazzing out! GO TURNER! EVERY HOLE IS A GOAL!
there's some site called FAZED that has that ibgerd dude backed, there's admissions of people making 100+ gmail accounts,, they seem to think max is hacking, ignorant fools, but yeah, willy needs a good whooping
you see Adverb, he listens to DZK's rap musik, then he realised what the jazz was al about and it was totally dissing him, he was so suprised he crap his poopbag.
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