I'd recommend losing the IE logo before all the hypocritical firefox bitches start whining about "-4 for IE". Or, of course, you say to hell with them and leave it there. Which would mean that you rule.
Oh, and perhaps get an apology ready. You can just use your old letter: "I am truly and very sorry for my actions, I had no right to viewhack the SOAP contest; however easily it was. I had totally forgotten that behind these accounts, there are real people who probably take the contest very seriously. Had I known that so many people’s lives would be shattered by my actions, I would have refrained from doing so."
"So I can't be a hacker and a legitiment player? I have a site
that gets 100 000 hits from members every day"
With that kind of spelling? Unlikely. Go warn your parents that they're about to get another one of those neopets letters.
Failure to understand the interpretation fad. 'Goofin zoofin doofin' isn't interpretating the german with english lyrics, it's just phonetically writing what you hear. You're supposed to find nonsensical lyrics -but with real English words- that sound like the german version. 2 for effort, try again.
How incredibly lame. This -has- to be some project by some pseudo-intellectual art students. Gauge the public's reaction? It would've been fun if it had been an ARG or some creative way to generate hype for something, but this is such an anticlimax.
This could be funny if the photoshop was done better.You could at least have made the mushrooms fit in better. Maybe change the text. And get a better shot of peach. And generally do everything again, but better.
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