Retarded American Bible Nerds FTL.
Oh, and evolution has an explanation for the eye, which is one of our most flawed organs. And for sexual recreation, too - which has advantages due to heploid recreation. Oh, carbon dating also shows our world is 4.4
Indeed. It's frightening to know the majority of people in the USA believes in Creationism - that's clearly a step away from Enlightment, which is the fundament the USA was founded on - the American edjucation system is f*cked.
No, really. Europe sufferes from an ancient immigration system, it's too easy to legally get in and too hard to find acceptance and a job. That's what the covervatives oversaw for ages and the left didn't care about. France got it's bill.
Actually, it's a Moslems duty to protect the Religions of the book, namely Christianity and Judaism in an Islamic country. That's what the Koran says. It's the extremists who say "Kill zem infidels".
F**k the Danish bigots.
It was originally published by an nationalist/right-winged paper in order to provoke the Muslime minority.
F**k the morons who think only Islam restricts free speech. I'm from Austria, one of our caricaturists was sentenced to
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