RTK's votes:

RTK has made 123 total votes, with an average rating of 3.92.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Pink Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube ... (5.00) (4.18) 
?Who needs a hat? (5.00) (4.15) 
?Dr. Seuss Is A Genius (5.00) (4.53) 
?3.141592653589793... (5.00) (4.34) 
?Real Life FPS Sneaking (5.00) (4.20) 
?Ytmnd Pianist: Live at The Internet 2006. (5.00) (4.27) 
?Stephanie uses LazyTorrents (LazyTown pirate son... (5.00) (4.51) 
?German Cake Rave (5.00) (4.49) 
?NEDM (Update also Original) (5.00) (4.35) 
?NEDM Drummer! (5.00) (4.19) 
?Jesus Was So Cool (5.00) (3.80) 
?YTMND Teaches Quantum Physics (5.00) (3.94) 
?Leap frog (3.00) (2.00) 
?NO (5.00) (3.03) 
?holy crap, a meteor!!! (5.00) (4.40) 
?holy crap, a n*gg*!!! (NEW SOUND) (5.00) (4.01) 
?Come Together YTMND (4.00) (4.31) 
?Agent 47's next target... (3.00) (2.36) 
?Do the Bob Sapp! (5.00) (4.06) 
?Notice (5.00) (4.29) 
?Obi Wan Kenobi is a racist (3.00) (4.19) 
?Fritz Lang - Metropolis (1929) (5.00) (3.76) 
?Harry Potter can DANCE (5.00) (3.77) 
?VOTE OBAMA (2.00) (4.38) 
?Fear the metal. (5.00) (2.13) 
?Ground Beef (2.00) (2.79) 
?The Elaine Dance, from Seinfeld (5.00) (3.90) 
?4 Stroke Engine (5.00) (3.90) 
?Where's your god now! (5.00) (3.81)