Logical fallacies don't make good argument dear whetstone. Not all of those murders were due to a person's religious background, whereas nearly all of the killings committed by the various religions are caused with a religious motive in mind.
Hitler killed not only Jews, but gypsies, black people, homosexuals, dissenters and anyone else that looked at him sideways.
And I suppose that Christianity has never killed anyone before. Back in the day Peterguy would have been burning heathens and crusading with the rest of the fanatics.
4 for humor, -4 for self sponsoring and the obvious "holier than thou" message. Let me ask you peterguy - are YOU who you want to be? Mayhaps your unceasing evangelism is a form of overcompensation for another part of your life which is lacking.
I do things like this with my eyes closed - by myself. I'm not impressed at all. Not one bit. I wanna see someone have X-Ray vision without hax, then i'll be impressed.
Go look up the anthropic principle. Life existing on this planet is not a godly miracle - life existing on this planet occured because this planet is able to support life. You can marvel over how special you are for having existed, but you'd be doing the same thing if you were an alien somewhere else in the universe.
"If you think the world is perfectly logical, you
have led a boring, limited life."
If you think that, sir (madame, thing, etc.), than you've entirely misunderstood me. The world is perfectly logical, but humans are not (including me), and have not the wherewithal to see it as such. Being as this is true, i've lead a very interesting and very illogical life - and if you think I place my faith squarely in the realm of science, you are sorely mistaken... Io Baphomet!
"The harsh world doesn't allow
the luxuries of logical thought."
The harsh world of the mind doesn't allow the luxuries of logical thought. The world is perfectly logical.
"mention that some objects indicate a blue shift, meaning they are heading
toward the center."
Uh.. No. Everything is redshifted since the universe is expanding, thus everything is moving AWAY from us.
There is some stellar body which astronomers call the "great attractor" which seems to be pulling galaxies and the like towards it, but they're still moving away from us.
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