I'm confused. Why is it that people are suddenly starting to use ytmnds as public service announcements?
Make a few ytmnds about drugs and racism and then you'll be golden. Extra points if you cry while making them, and extra extra points if you use sappy over-played Donnie Darko music in them.
Hey I've got a great idea why don't you make a bold "I know more than you do" statement on a medium that's meant to be humorous and irreverent?
You should look into air-dropping this in detailed leaflets over the ocean. That would have about as much point as you posting this on this website.
Pick your battles better.
I remember when American politicians were demanding Canadian networks to ban this commercial, because it was anti-American.
You know, even though they nominated a song called "Blame Canada" for an oscar.
Great job at making a Public Service Announcement on ytmnd. You're completely missing the point of the medium, and the point you're trying to make is stupid. If you antagonize them, you may as well be antagonizing yourself. Stop caring about the world
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