Therefore there is nothing stopping life from arising from non living things, other than the number of combination attempts needed to stand a statistical chance of success. given sufficent time and many parralel combinations, that isn't really an obstacle. So that statement too is void.
Similarly, "Life cannot come from non-life" is false. Minerals in rock are simple non-living molecules. However, when ingested by living things, they become integrated into them, essentially becoming part of life. The same holds true for any other atom or molecule. By themselves none of them are alive. Brought together in the proper arangement, they are.
Therefore it is demonstrated that complexity and intelligence can increase with time (in fact, incresing complexity is one of the results of entropy). Therefore the statement that intelligence is required for creaton of intelligence must be thrown out.
Your conlclusion is insufficently proven even by the false statements you tried to slip in at the end among the ones you proved logically. Specifically:
Intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence - insufficiently proven. Your argument about rocks and research papers is a straw man. Toddlers also do not write college level research papers. Yet with further development (and a corresponding increase in complexity and intelligence) they may one day be capable of it.
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