This one's been done way too many times. Theres more than that, but its still been done too many times.
Actulally I did use the search engine and I used the specific title, but all I got were other megaman sites. So thats why I didnt know if anyone else here made it.
Dantheman - Too bad the user put WORDS in it and placed the wrong part of the song in it. And like I said I wasnt sure if anyone else made this, so I gave it a shot.
That would be awsome Lupin, but the thing is that it'd be too hard and it might go over the size limit. Also if a FAD has been put in the Keyword list, then it means it'll NEVER be changed, so if you got a GOOD FAD to give me please tell me now.
Ah I figured someone would complain about the sound, alright. *changes music* This time its the internet song from Megaman Battle Network 3 and I made sure it sounded good.
If you read the description you would of clearly seen that it doesnt enforce it. There MIGHT be some shows that do, but I dont know what those shows are.
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