PS. The story about Voltaire's home being used for bible printing is completely apocryphal and untrue (check Wikipedia), and the supposed "deathbed repentence" is unsubstantiated by anything I can find. No, I wont accept your pseudo-factual christian fundamentalist websites as proof.
How much money have you and Peterguy dumped into donations to get your lame YTMNDs posted? How many people have you sucessfully converted?
Was it worth it?
We shouldnt be validating the arguements of these fringe extremist wackos by responding. Really, we should just point out that they are insane and move on. By argueing we make it look like they have a argueable position, which they do not.
Jesus wanted the symbol to be a Lamb (He's the lamb of God). But Chuck Norris wasnt gonna let any religion he followed have some peaceful symbol. He laid down the law with Jesus
Hence the cross.
I read that in the Book of Chuck, Pope John Paul I replaced the Book of Chuck with the Gospel of Mark. Pope John Paul I died after 33 days as Pope.
I think its offensive that you equate being insulted over the internet to death by torture.
I think its offensive that you even try to justify Martin Luther's defense of serfdom (and his providing a religious justification for the massacre of 70-100 thousand people).
As for oppressing serfs being a "political action", thats insane. Supporting a system as oppressive and evil as serfdom is not political in the same way as say, having an opinion on the Estate Tax. It's no different that supporting Stalinist Communism or Nazism. Its a cruel system with no redeeming value.
Interestingly enough, that site doesnt cite any sources. Although better made than the gospel one, it has the same problems. Link me to something from HumanRightsWatch or Amnesty International and you will have more credibility. I'm not saying that Christians are not persecuted in some parts of the world, I'm saying the sites you are linking are BS propaganda.
Although I disagree with your statment about Catholicism, lets leave that alone. Lets keep this where I am most comfortable, history and solid facts. What Martin Luther supported was a brutal and inhumane system of oppression (Serfdom). A system where justice is nonexistent, and the position of your birth determines your lot in life. I doubt you would feel the same way if you were a 16th century serf. The revolts were an attempt to throw off their oppressors and give themselves a chance in life.
Just because you can link the site doesnt make it's figures correct. It's not a reputable human rights group, its some dumbass named James H. Deanmore. Well, heres a number thats just as good. I say on the internet that 10,000 Chinese people a day drown in their bathtubs. Its an epidemic.
Can you see how ridiculous that is? Its the same thing with some crappy website making unsubstantiated claims with no proof to back them up.
Also, I would like to point out the Catholic Church's activity in Spain (Inquisition, expulsion of Jews), France (slaughtering the Huguenots), and Croatia (Ustase killing Orthodox Serbs.) Not to mention Martin Luther comdemning Peasent Revolts in the H.R.E. (70-100,000 killed)
Or the 30 Years War.
Christianity has persecuted so many other groups (or other sects of Christians). Pot. Kettle. Black.
I find it interesting that the only example you cited after 400 A.D. was an occurence where the Catholics killed the guy.
I also find it interesting that you dug as deep as you did for your final statistic. "Gospelweb" (to which you failed to provide a link) is hardly a reputable human rights foundation. They probably made that number up. All I'm saying is you need to drop the bullsh*t martyrdom complex and enjoy your time in the sun before Islam eclipses you (fastest growing religion).
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