One question guys, how come it's fine to laugh at images of Hiroshima where thousands and thousands of people were incinerated, but totally unacceptable and out of line to poke fun at an event where only 3000 died? Don't have double standards, respect all life, not just American life.
I just saw Finnish Hymn, yeah, much better than this, however this is more true to the YTMND spirit - simple image, you get the joke instantly, and there isn't text in the image.
I know that, but the protest itself WAS broken up by tanks. Thus Chinese students as a whole had one weakness - tanks. So yeah, thanks for the comment anyway.
Donkeypunch fails hard at being intelligent. This is ok, but only because of the speeding up of the clip. Makes you wonder how they did this without, you know, actually running someone over with a tank.
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