wait....what? i stold the conan thing from 4chan, which i then learned they stole it from the guy, so i gave him credit on the site. and i dont use other accounts. and i thought the elian thing was good, it took me a long time.
I got it from 4chan, hence the "u know...", and i searched for "conan is indestructible" since that is how its spelled. i found on but it was a different .gif. im sorry i didnt think to search indestructAble for the dumbasses who cant spell.
AWESOME!!! Jessica Abla made it great, even though those weren't emo bands. Put on Hawthorne Heighs, Armor for Sleep, and Boys Night Out. Those are real emo bands.
zthing is still down. i just remember first hearing this song on zthing, so i credited that. i got the sound this time from some other place, and i just recorded it.
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