So this man's proof of the afterlife is a few people wishing they'd found Christ while they're dying? So then proof of the absence of god would be to find the opposite?
What argument is made by this YTMND, and where would one 'refute' it? It's a subjective opinion or two polished up to support the view of the author by affirmation, not by proof.
There are Christians out there who can at least argue a while about their cause. You sir, fail to even make the effort.
Meet me on the lolodeck, we'll have tea and hide bologna. Friendships will be forged, urges will be satisfied, and we'll each walk away with a new understanding of the human condition. 5'd.
I like how all the usual YTMNDemo freaks have come out of the woodwork with the OMGRAEG. Good work Sync. Nice bit of coding, fulfills a purpose. Makes people happy. That's why Ink hates it, anyway.
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