Limdule's recent comments:

June 8th, 2007
On on the site ?HA HA
October 15th, 2006
On on the site ?Picard Song
October 14th, 2006
October 9th, 2006
On on the site ?Whetstone Vocoder
October 8th, 2006
On on the site ?POLEND IN HELL
I think where ever people come together is a good place for any discussion. If you don't want to be a part of it.. follow your own advice, STFU and don't click on the sites. No one can force their viewpoints on anyone on the internet, just don't click the link and remain ignorant ^^. Good song tho, 3
October 8th, 2006
Anubis, to say we only know .1% of knowledge in the universe doesnt make any sense. To say that would be saying that "Knowledge" is a finite and tangible object. Under that assumption.. as humans grow and learn.. do we lessen god? We are always pulling from that pool of 100% knowledge.. I do not think that is the case. Our ignorance is not proof of the exsistance of a god or greater power. To our ancestors.. modern man would appear to be gods, but we know that not to be true.
October 8th, 2006
I will give it a one for the effort of putting it together. Bob barker and the price is right used to make light of the deaths of almost 300,000,000 people. Disgusting. As for the commentary about atheist dictators being the greatest mass murderer.. please, They killed people because they were dictators.. not athiests. They did not try and convert people to atheist by the sword as christians and muslims in the past have done. There is a difference.
October 8th, 2006
Outstanding, Carl Sagan once said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I don't think a self affirming 2000 yr old book counts as extraordinary evidence. That being said, we as agnostics and atheists cannot disprove their god.. so why try to change their mind? The path to being a skeptic is one that you walk alone, it is something that you yourself must come to terms with. Presented with the evidence, you can either belive it, or you can choose not to. In the past, this was not the case.