hah, i just can't deal with Bible bashing... if you piss someone off while showing them your view, how turned off to having that view will they be? People need to show the Love of Christ more often, hating sin, but loving their neighbor. You can't force someone to have a relationship with God... forced love is rape, and if God forced us to love him instead of giving us a free choice to accept eternal life with him, then he would be a rapist, forcing love. OH SNAP
and acceptance of that free gift. (romans 6:23) Now that seems pretty simple to me! And lastly, i don't care as much about the political aspects such as economic issues and AIDS and stuff as i do the individual sinful acts of homosexuals. Though i'll have to start caring at the next election. I also disagree a little with the actions of other christians who may have been disrespectful, who give us a bad name. PM me if you would like for any other questions you may have.
Check out Mark 12:28-34, and you'll see Jesus' 2 commandments sum up all the others. If you love God, you probably wouldn't misuse his name, and if you love your neighbor as yourself, would you murder him? Anyway, it's not the one walnut you stole, it's your whole life clouded with sin and tempted into sin every single day by Satan. God loves us so much, that he sent himself, a blameless human, to endure hell for everyone's sin that was not his own. All your sins are already forgiven, it just takes faith
Well i'm awake again, so let's begin. I feel the need to relocate to a form that allows more to be said... but i'll do what i can and continue to be respectable. When Adam committed the first sin and screwed up big time, disobeying the ONE commandment he had, it cursed the earth, and all of descendants are made with the same sin nature, which seperates us from God at birth. Not very fair, but look at your life and compare it with the 10 commandments, which is definitely not obsolete.
deut. 21 means as follows:
does not mean a small child, or even a young teen - but a son past the age of accountability, who sets himself in determined rebellion against his father and mother. The parents must have done a good job raising the son, calling him to obedience, and chastening him as appropriate before the Lord. Such a stubborn and rebellious son was to be put on trial before the elders of the city. If they determine him to be chronically rebellious, then the son was to be stoned to death.
and btw, lesbians are homos too...
To continue: when God created the earth (another discussion entirely) it was perfect, there was no sin, but because of the temptations of Satan, man screwed up and condemned us all from God's presence, who used to walk among us. He did't exactly say, i love you, but hate your actions so you're gonna burn, it's more like i love you, here is a way to repent and go free and recieve your inheritence in the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal life and freedom from judgement.
People measure the cost of their sin by how much it affects others and how severe the punishment it is for that sin. Should a person who steals a walnut be stoned to death like a mass murderer, no, but in God's eyes, they both missed the mark to make it into heaven. As a result of the fall, trying to get into heaven with any sin is like trying to jump from the coast of california to japan, it doesn't matter if you're an olympic long-jumper, or in a wheelchair, it's not possible without Jesus.
I know most of you won't read into this at all, downvote me, and just make fun of me for my views, or for trying on YTMND, but maybe someone out there on teh interwebs will stop and think for a moment. For His Word will not return empty (Isaiah 55:11).
not from rules and religion, but through a personal want to do so because of the love he showed for us, nobody should be condemned to hell, homos not put to death. However, know that no sin is any more severe than another, and that according to God, telling the lie put you on the same level as a homo or axe murderer. Jesus didn't come to bring peace and happiness; but a sword (matthew 10:34), a sword against religious piety and sin in mankind.
and you'll see how the scribes were so meticulous to make sure the middle word on every page was the same, and if it was not correct, then the page was to be burned, so that no false version could come about. As for religious biggtery, yes, throughout the ages the church has become very corrupt, it happens, what with the Pharisees, the Crusades, and the notion that only priests are holy enough to read God's word, that's baloney, read into the Word and you'll see that obeying God's commandments comes
Ok... i'd typically not get in on this one, but i feel compelled to.
God doesn't HATE homos, their ACTIONS are what he hates. And to keep them from going to hell, he provided a way to repent from their sinful acts and make it into heaven by way of Jesus' sacrifice. The Bible we have today, since the originial authors wrote it down, is very much the same as the original. Cross check the NIV with the original greek and hebrew,
Bah if you bothered to look at the entire chapter, this would make a bit more sense... but ezekiel was a very strange prophet... God had him play army men in the dirt for 40+days, laying on his side. It's showing how defiled israel was around the time of teh syrian invasion, and nobody wanted to listen to God.... though many verses in the Bible out of context can sound quite strange such as this one...
nice job on this one... a serious ytmnd!
anyway what makes a cult a cult? the fact that they have "hidden knowledge" within their organization stuff newbies can't know about... whilst with christianity everything is written in the bible for anyone to read, however i doubt that hotel in clearwater had bibles in every room...
wow it's been up less than 5 mins... and already votes. 2 things: 1 this was not staged, but taken from a 7 minute long video of a scrim we did, cain yells a lot normally... and i tried to keep the image size down so it had to have a short loop (1 meg)
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