An affront to god... right... So you're telling me god actually does euthanasia, not because the kitten is suffering, but because it's blasphemy? You my friend have to lay of the bible. Because no god or whatsoever has ended the life of this poor creature... In most cases animals or babies born with extreme abnormalities don't live long. So don't start being a preacher and tell that your 'god' ended this life because of blasphemy.
Nice :p hehe, didnt expect that ( I did)...According to my knowledge she was lighting a Morning Glory...a more luxury equilevant of a sparkler. But no-one cares >.>... *sob, sob* (//.-)
Dude, this site was built up from scrathc with it's own original colors and style. The other sites were just plain copy and pasted over the SSBM selection screen.
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