Also, if any of you took a screenshot of my post and posted it on the internets before I posted it on the internets, my crack British lawyer team will go legal eagle on your arses (bc they are Britain).
Nostalgia...stayed up all night playing multiplayer with three friends, cussing at eachother, and getting into fistfights over who got to be Oddjob. GOLDENEYE FTW.
The sticker reads (to the best of my ability), "This computer is NEVER OBSOLETE when you join eMachines network. Fast, reliable internet access powered by MCI/QDNET(?). The world's richest internet content provided by Netscape. Surf! Email! Invest(?)! Shop! Chat! Travel(?)! And more! Plus, upgrade your PC to the fastest model on the market every 2 years for only $99(?)!"
eMachines FTW.
No problem. This site is a work in progress; the sync is a bit slow at the beginning, pretty good through the middle, and then a bit fast at the end. It took me about three hours or so just to get it to this point, as far as cutting and pasting the individual elements from the table, putting them in order, and trial and error for the animation sync. Thanks for voting!
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