Yes, you're right. Any customer service is based on how quick they can pass the buck, but does it make it right? And how much volume do you think Sympatico Tech Support gets on a Saturday night in contrast to the weekday? Its our fault for accepting this behavior from conglomerates. Lets bring attention to this and make major ISPs work for their money again.
Welcome to the west, the land of opportunity. If I fail to meet my job requirements, I get fired. If you accept a job and its responsibilities and you can't handle it thats your fault...if you don't like it, get a new one. No one's holding a gun to their head to keep this job, and lord knows we've all had to do things to make ends meet. Incompetence does not make ends meet.
I pay $40/mo to be disrespected because I don't want to be disrespected by rogers/yahoo. Its time we stand up for ourselves.
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