I guess we're more popular than I thought. I wonder if she knows how painful hari-kari is... it's a slow death. And does she have someone sitting off to the side willing to cut her head off?
Ok, so I'm not the only Christian who posted a comment. I'm sort of with the8ball on the stance that it's not about proving God exists (that's a little silly for a Christian, amirite?) it's about faith. Yup... I hope people read these comments. I also hope they'll go to blueletterbible.org, but who knows.
I feel the need to say this as possibly one of the only Christians willing to post a comment:
1. Good argument.
2. Good use of of a Christian artist's music.
3. Thanks for not bashing Christianity or any religion just because you believe something else.
No, I don't believe in evolution or that God created evolution. I take the Bible as it is and I'm not going to yell at you for saying something I don't like. I'm sorry for those Christians that will. Just know that a real Christian's focus is on Jesu
p00pd00d, haikus are traditionally supposed to describe nature (iirc) but you know how most people think you can do anything with it... there is another name for the ones that don't involve weather, but I can't remember the name atm.
Very nice, and another star for using Action Action music, because I didn't think I'd ever hear them again... but then again, I don't know how popular they are.
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