I've been coming back to this YTMND for the past decade to comment on it, and the fact that I keep coming back to comment on it. If you see me miss a year, I either forgot, died, or lost my YTMND login info.
I missed a few years because I actually forgot my password, and didn't bother to reset it, then YTMND died, but now that it's back, so am I. It's been a hell of a few years but still I gotta say that this still is the greatest YTMND on this entire site! RIP Sean Connery.
As the years go on, and I grow older, I can always retreat to this silly YTMND site on the 27th of November to give a comment about how it's just an ad for Colt 45 featuring Billy Dee Williams, and mid-2000's Madonna music, blaring in a 7.5 second loop. Pretty good shit. Also, watch Toonami every Saturday night from 12:00-3:30.
In keeping up with the tradition for commenting on the coolest YTMND on the site, I choose to leave a positive comment on the comments section of this YTMND.
GutsMan's recent comments:
RIP Sean Connery.
Still the coolest!