i love how *some* chicks think that it's ALL about them. didn't carry my purse at the mall? YOU'RE A DICK! didn't rub my feet when i asked you to? TOTAL FUCKING ASSHOLE! don't get me wrong, i am all for treating women with respect and everything...but there comes a point where that respect turns into being whipped. (hey Sonic, what do you think about that? "THAT'S NO GOOD!"). Yeah, a lot of guys out there are a-holes...but so are chicks. relationships are supposed to be 50/50, not "the guy treats the chick like she's the queen of england". normally, i would apologize for posting such a comment on a ytmnd...but i just got the feeling that this site was created for some guy that has been pissing you off. i'm not trying to imply that YOU are like those girls that i had just mentioned (because i've never met you, and i can't make a judgment about someone i've never met). i hope that things work out for you. and to all of the gentlemen who have read my comment...keep this in mind.
God will punish you and send you to the fiery pits of hell if you do anything that he doesnt like. He has killed countless innocents in the name of "righteousness", and most importantly...HE LOVES YOU!!! lol
absolutely sexy. i've always pictured satan as a dark, demon-winged, male, humanoid creature...but now i have the extreme desire to picture satan as a pale white, naked chick that is friendly and inviting. thank you for making satanism that much more fun. :)
you sir, dont know what you are talking about. if you are not a mason, then dont pretend to know "what they believe". im so sick of everyone on the internet claiming that they KNOW what the masons do and what they believe...when the arent even masons.
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