What a sick, sad little world it will be when people start caring more about facts and cold, hard logic than faith an patriotism. Frankly, I am disgusted.
Why do you mouth breathers have to try and force every joke to fit in line with your bullsh*t theory or ideology. Just appreciate it fro what it is, and that's quality.
This is why I don't watch TV anymore. Glad Bill is finally restoring the voice to white male Christian Americans who don't read...they've been trampled on for so long.
Thinking things out in a cool and collected way and maybe having a discussion never killed anybody...it never made anybody gay either, as far as I know.
You have no idea if you can relate to him or not, enough, just like I don't. I am lucky that I'm in a state of mind right where sh*t makes sense, maybe he wasn't. I sympathize with dogs who get rabies too, even though I don't sympathize with biting
Enough, if you'll notice my comments this far and the way I approach and define sympathy you'll see it goes beyond his actions and their consequences to me. That isn't a conversation I'm interested in.
I understand Mastersitsu, at least I think I do. Your feelings are justified, but they only serve to cloud understanding and judgement...the same way this kids feelings probably clouded his.
I believe that honest sympathy is something human that comes with understanding. Hatred, indifference, etc, are all obstacles to that understanding. Kid might be an *sshole, douche, etc, but he's a lot more than a that too, just like any of us.
Mastersitsu, while I think its right to acknowledge the senselessness of suicide and the harm it does to others...it's also pointless and ignorant to hate the person.
It's a logical fallacy to assume there was an isolated motive for the kid doing this. A lot more goes into the way we think and feel than what we think at any given moment.
It's about more than getting dumped and revenge. it's about mental state. Kid was probably suffering from something diagnosable and treatable, which is why this sort of
thing is a tragedy. Hating / mocking him is just a way to hide from the issue.
Billionaires blow their brains out, while sex slaves in South Asia and forced laborers in African diamond mines will live out their lives. There is more to psychology than circumstance.
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