Aww, poor opressed christians. Of only you could get a few representatives elected to national office in a powerful country. Maybe some day in the far far future a christian could even be elected chief executive of the most powerful country in the world. Keep praying, maybe it will happen some day.
Hey Korf41. A technological civilization such as ours should be able to colonize the entire galaxy in about 50 million years. Considering the age of our galaxy it is suprising that we do not see any evidence of such a civilization. Google "seti paradox" for interesting discussion of the implications.
A physicist recently speculated that the SETI paradox could be explained if budding technological civilizations tended to blow themselves up while attempting to determine the mass of the Higgs Boson. We are treading on dangerous ground because of our incomplete understanding of physics.
As I said in the other YTMND on this subject, sometimes euthanasia is the ethical choice, expecially when it comes to unwanted pets. There is
nothing inconsistent here.
Peter Singer, the philosophical father of the animal rights movement, has made a very good case that it is unethical to destroy the most important interests of a non-human animal(its continued living) for the most trivial interests of our own(we happen to like the taste of their flesh). That said, PETA are f*cking idiots for pulling sh*t like this.
A containment system for something as corrosive as plasma coolant would be designed to close in at least 10ms. Either you made it out before the containment system activates or you dont. None of this rolling under the door crap.
The american people who actually give two sh*ts about any issue have been effectively disenfranchised by the vastly larger number of idiots who fall for the meaningless cultural issues every election year. We have already lost.
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