hey guys its me moot i'm just downloading 5 gigabytes of hentai and then i will watch all of it aha ahahaha after i am done with it i will go to 4chan and talk about what i saw with other users ololololol
Uploaded the full song on Rapidshare in case anyone wants it. (320kbps)
I'm gonna make more of these.
The strips have caused many fans to speculate that Garfield is currently starving
in an abandoned house and all of the series occurring after the comics in question
were insane hallucinations by the cat as he tries to keep alive, yet author Jim Davis
is reported to have actually "laughed loudly" when confronted with this.
In Garfield's 20th Anniversary Collection, Jim Davis discusses this.
His caption,"During a writing session for Halloween week,
I got the idea for this decidedly different series of strips.
I wanted to scare people. And what do people fear most? Why, being alone.
We carried out the concept and got a lot of responses from readers."
Source: Wikipedia, after your screenshot.
Just put the whole thing in there, attention ***.
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