best thing i ever seen come outa this "tubes" joke man be proud you have the best tubes joke i have seen, and i seen over 5000 of em, my eyes were bleeding till now... and that's a damn fine remix. dun care 'bout people that say it's not funny, but anyone who lives in this age who relates the internet to a series of tubes is the dumbest person ever, and deserves to be made fun of :P... :D
yellow and black lines have no effect on me after staring at my dark matter reactor visualisation on winamp for 16 hours and then reading a novel with tiny print that some people can't read without visual aid. sorry but unimpressed... 1
dude, i dunno if you are the same guy who stole my reginald thing with cans, but f*ckit if i didn't start callin CANS REGINALD FIRST MAN, still it wasn't here that i did, so i guess i shouldn't flame ya or anything. course i am truly insane and it is kinda annoyin to see my sh*t stolen even in part... y'know... still first can i named reginald was all the way back in 1994, it was a can of tomato halfs... f*ckin big thing at that... still i suppose i can forgive you for your ignorance...
you tard, least give the credit for the image to where it belongs, Maddox is cool and you stealing from him shows that you, are not.
fact that nobody else has posted a comment similar to mine suprises me, but i guess all the other peopl just haven't heard of maddox or they were just to shocked by your insolence to post a comment. seriously man edit it and give the credit to who it belongs for the image...
people that see something and bote on it without looking are total idiots... especially when it's animated and has music!!!!
also you would notice i aint tryin to upvote myself cuz that'd be stupid and lame and about as bad as voting on somethin or commenting on something without watching it
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