Those are Truffala trees, they are not related to anime, remove them, or we, the agents of Seuss, will destroy you. Seriously, we'll break your blocks like a fast running fox who's socks came from a box packaged by a grox.
Omgah I'm famous on the internets. Also someone needs the title "Lead Seaman". You know like "Lead Seaman Cecil Hardboner". Ok, I'm just delirious with joy at this point.
Funny, Jefferson country, and Thomas Jefferson being a beloved, pro-freedom president who likely would shared many of Ron Paul's views. Coincidence? I think not.
To be fair, I only listened for a little while. There isn't much in this world that could make me tolerate her for an extended period of time.
People should really more closely examine her platform, it's borderline communistic.
Presidents Jefferson and Jackson both advocated state's rights and individual freedom, they were anti-federalists, and they were both amazingly successful and well-liked.
We give three times as much money to Saudi Arabia alone and even more to other countries than we do to Israel. If we stopped ALL foreign aid, as Ron Paul plans, then Israel would actually have an advantage.
He's been a doctor for like 50 years, and he's delivered over 4,000 babies. Furthermore, he was responsible for the legal rights that those unborn children had, which oddly, seem to dissappear the moment the word abortion is used.
Long story short, he's not against abortion because he's against free choice or women's rights, but because from a biological standpoint, he beleives it is a loss of life, me and my biology degree are inclined to agree.
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