Not bad but you didnt 'make' the image or sound, Mike Judge did. B&B came out when I was in high school so I love the content but 2'd for non credit given.
I'm impressed. It seems more folk than I thought have a bit of compassion in them. Yes, it's terrible that so many have to laugh at the misfortunes of others, but so nice when those who have admit their wrong.
It's funny that tehpwner2 talks about 'not funny', if you look through his favorites its a parade of 'not funny' as well as 'flucking lame'. I'll 5 anything he downvotes
The search engine Newgrounds uses to look up works is really piss poor imo. I swear. You type in a word, and it brings up EVERYTHING that has a letter in it thats in the word you typed.
Uhhhh sure as hell doesn't sound like Apollo 440 to me. And because the song is about a Hulkamaniac I'm gonna have to downgrade you. Please fix this before anymore of my brains leak from my ears.
I love how when people see something others like they instantly jump on the 'OMG! I was so gonna do that! I had it ready to go! You stole it!' wagon. That aside I did see the pic a while back and got a good chuckle out of it, love the remix of that
Some guy left his number posted if shes "into guys with big weiners", man this guy is begging to get pranked. Just look at his avatar and sign in name!
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