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Very realistic and amusing site.
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WOW, so much stuff here, an excellent resource. Thanks guys!
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Hello, nice site look this:
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hello, your site is lucky.
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Keep up this great resource.
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I find it hilarious that neither Me and Outlaw have no idea who you or bonushobo are and yet we are all making these sites at around the same time. Me and Outlaw just wanted to create the next fad but we had no idea wed get so much help so soon :p
Oh yes! Aetheists are the only ones who leave ruthless comments for something that condemns them such as this!
I completely forgot about the all the anti-religious sites out there that dont get bashed daily by religious zealots as well!
This site is misleading...not only is it presented in a completely biased way, but you go so far as to simplify all dictators actions as drivin by some sort of "aetheist" or non-religious agenda. Dont get aetheism confused with over-zealous spiritualism please.
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