Why you goin all teary eyed bout no gandalf. He fought a big devil worshippin monstar and such. I hate bowlin and I hate milkshakes unless its Lou Ellen shakin her milk jugs at me at 10 in the morning for I go huntin for pizza.
Demons! Thats what we learnt bout in church today. If you don't touch the bible and an echidna with a snake tattoo YOU WILL BE A ZOMBIE or A DEMON. Its a choice, like marrying men, and if you make it, you will gain ultimate power. Now, when I was in Atlanta, I had me some jack daniels which is a odd thing given that I weren't in Tenneessee at the time. Did you know its from thar? I bet you did not. In conclusion, this site is a great warnin to all the young rascals out there. 5 starz.
Shucks here feller, You've done rustled this site http://secretmessagecloverfield.ytmnd.com from a fine young cow poke. You may have shot the sheriff, but you did not get the deputy. And hes a crazy walrus with a bukkit problem.
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