ahahahahahaha... oh man, my friend was typing in random urls to YTMND and sent me this one, it's 5 in the morning, and I think I died of laughing for some reason oh my god
ForkHead, I know, I know, I was thinking the same thing to begin with, but the Eon8 kept timing out for me so I couldn't get the Globe, and black t-shirt... I was too lazy
If you didn't get this from eBaum's world, then why is the picture cut off exactly where eBaum stuck "Fan of the Month: ebaumsworld.com logo in the bottom. As seen here: http://img446.imageshack.us/img446/6221/fotmjune064za.jpg
But hey, it's a funny picture, which is why I gave it a 5.
And yes, I'm open to the fact that there might've been something else over that corner, but I didn't see the original picture so I'm just going by what I see here.
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