Bovinity's recent comments:

July 22nd, 2007
On on the site ?Give It to Me Megaman
Yeah, shut up, sheep shagger!
July 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Give It to Me Megaman
July 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Give It to Me Megaman
Glub.....jesus christ you sicko. (Oh, and love you.)
February 21st, 2007
The problem, of course, is that that's the Persian king in the movie, not a Spartan...isn't it?
January 18th, 2007
December 28th, 2006
On on the site ?
I have commented!!!
December 11th, 2006
December 11th, 2006
5'D FOR GREAT JUSTICE! (Oh, and Igglethulu I guess, if I have to)
November 16th, 2006
Awesome in terms of cleverness, shame the ball dosen't want to behave at other resolutions.
November 5th, 2006
Dear lord, I laughed way too much. Why is something this dumb so funny?!
October 28th, 2006
Picture loads fine for me, Khift. My copy/paste skills are unreal!
September 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
Wow, so people who are about to die start hoping there's a god. Kind of like how people in prison and older people do. Not really a huge shock. It's human nature to wish with greater fervor that there's something beyond death the closer one comes to it.
September 12th, 2006
On on the site ?FFXI IS SO SIMPLE
"It's just glorified rock, paper, scissors. Come on, I can only assume it isn't harder than another other MMO out there. " Um, it has nothing to do with rock, paper, scissors.
September 7th, 2006
September 5th, 2006
On on the site ?Cool D&D?
Predictable as hell, but I still laughed.
August 30th, 2006
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?Soviet Toilet
Well done sir.
August 23rd, 2006
On on the site ?Our Patron Beavis
What exactly is the point of adding Beavis to the original, other than to get 5's from people that don't check and think you made it?
August 21st, 2006
I never understood why the second blade comes out of the floor, if the point of the "puzzle" to be a pentinent man and kneel.
August 19th, 2006
On on the site ?Little Boy HEADSHOT!
Can hardly tell if the ball actually hits him, heh.
August 19th, 2006
The CTRL+V won you the 5th star.
August 18th, 2006
On on the site ?Everquest Death OMFG
One more star for fixing the text.
August 18th, 2006
On on the site ?Everquest Death OMFG
Text blocks picture, well done.
August 13th, 2006
Super Mario Brothers 2
August 8th, 2006
On on the site ?Evolution Test
You win the internets. Al Gore would be proud of your brilliant use of his creation.