Thanks. I've made a second bridge YTMND. Not as clever, but still following the theme. I hope to start a fad or at least get noticed by the forums, and get parodies made.
In most songs, there is a section called the bridge which has a completely different melody and harmonic structure. The picture is of the Golden Gate bridge in the far-flung future, when Starfleet Academy is located within eyeshot of it. The music is the bridge of the Star Trek: Next Generation theme song. The text could refer either to the music or the picture.
Hilarious! But to be fair, their plan is fiscally sound. By buying the illiquid assets (mortgage-backed securities), removing the sub-prime portions, and then auctioning them off, the govt would reset the value. It would remove the uncertainty from the mortgage and housing markets, and end the crisis in one fell swoop.
The sound is too low, and I could have at least animated it. But yeah, Palin doesn't really look like Roslin. What's funny is Huckabee looked EXACTLY like Kevin Spacey. So the Republicans ARE running Cylons.
I sometimes imagine going back in time with a dual-boot Linux / WinXP gaming rig to the MIT computer club documented in the book Hackers, sitting them down, and showing them the future.
Well, for a rather large portion of humanity, spiders instinctually creep us out. I saw it, was creeped out, and decided to share it with the rest of teh internets. The music isn't supposed to startle, just cause a deep, nameless terror to form in your soul.
Well of COURSE they are real. Paws Inc hires about a bijillion unknown graduates of that art school where you draw the pirate and the turtle, chains them in a basement, and forces them to draw idiotic jokes about Mondays and Lasagna so that Jim Davis can LIVE IMMORTALLY.
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