BinaryCodeIdiot's votes:

BinaryCodeIdiot has made 12 total votes, with an average rating of 4.5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?How to majorly piss off Zelda fans. (5.00) (4.00) 
?AIDS THE GAME!!! (5.00) (4.20) 
?What is Clock Crew?! (5.00) (3.60) 
?Kombucha doesn't change facial expression (5.00) (4.00) 
?Walkin' Around in Portals (4.00) (4.10) 
?Newgrounds is having a wonderful time! (5.00) (3.77) 
?The Bauman E-mails: A Dramatic Reading (5.00) (4.50) 
?Moscow (5.00) (4.23) 
?spread my stapler and fly away (5.00) (4.26) 
? fails at definition (4.00) (3.34) 
?Awesome God (Gangsta Style) (4.00) (4.14) 
?Ohshi you spin me right round! (2.00) (3.40)