Biggerthanu's recent comments:

January 15th, 2008
...Vader has the force...why the f*ck would he dive for a vase when he could force it to him.
May 10th, 2007
Nick resubmit this one, with a shorter Tim Robbins intro and yes some sh*t sounds
February 15th, 2007
Thats perfect
February 9th, 2007
On on the site ?Stephanie's boobs
Hey tits are tits
February 9th, 2007
Hahaha Perfection
November 3rd, 2006
I love how you have Myfreepaysite as a quick tab. You get 4 stars for that. Besides that the rest sucked.
November 1st, 2006
Jesus Christ people watch the news. Kerry said that people who don't do good in school end up in the military. I'd like to see that f*cktard do the math and calculations that are put into shot of a tank. Or do field ops.
October 24th, 2006
You might've actually been decent if you had not been a dick.