What ink doesn't get is that it's not purely random. It had a very strong vibe of "IT" from Wrinkle in Time, basically all living, thinking, and breathing according to a central monotonous beat.
Might 5 this if it had Vader before and after, but I might not. I'd have to see it. Might also be funny to slip in a 1/4 second Artoo flip because in his case, there's no way to tell what anything's done to him.
oops, inkdrinker name-hack? Anyway, I registered to work on some other ideas if and when I have the time and this just happened. I'd do that with the sound if I knew what I was doing, to those who said "influenced" that music is to keep it from being to
A 1 from inkdrinker, I feel so loved... :p Genuinely happened, I think it has to do with classical music being in general quite screwy with how it's set up there. And danzors is wrong.
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