HK's Horrible Tiffany
Created on: July 7th, 2012

Tiffany's gonna make you squeal like a pig!
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how is the alternate/shared account Funny-Internet-User going and is Fourest's involvement still as regular and hilarious as three years ago? i still don't understand why he was trying to keep that activity a secret. something about how his main account should not be associated with alternate accounts (or, "alt accounts," or just "alts" ?????? !!!!!! ???!?!? !?!? !? puppy poopy)
HAHAHAHA jk sorry dave. i [i][u][b]LIKE[/i][/u][/b] you and will continue to 5 all of your sites, so long as you give me tha same honory.
The grass was yellow and curled against the ground as if pressed or styled like hair in the slight valley joining three rolling hills where an old oak stood tall with miles of solitude yet somehow without the proud otherness one tends to set upon old living things. She was waiting for a man to meet her there and she nervously tapped both feet as she stood before the oak and as she danced that way, impatient and judgmental, she pulled down sucking breaths and became increasingly hot. As blinding as it can be to swallow hot air, she knew she did not like that oak tree. It was tall and oddly hunched, not unlike her. It was alone and so for all its strength it dominated nothing, not unlike her. She began cutting off her own thoughts, overthinking inane qualities of what? A tree? She allowed herself to complete one last thought on the matter, for the one quality she possessed that this ugly tree could never represent was, was like, the fuckin big huge blond bush that was like all on top of her fat vagina that had big curly lips that was so dark they were almost brown, which really was surprising if you saw it because she was such a pale skinned old lady. When you spread it open you would be like “Whhoooaaaa” because the inside was bright red, so it was like blond, brown, red, almost like a cheeseburger maybe.
1) Why they call me [i]Rippy Stenky[/i]
2) How my mother and father created me (with sex, [b]yes[/b], but you [b]MAY[/b] be [i][b]eerily[/i][/b] be [i]surprised[/i] as to [u]what kind of sex[/u]!
3) Where i found my horse mask, and (no cheating! only one vote per alt account!)
4) Why my best friend in real life is Ytman User "[b]gr33nscr33n[/b]" but [i]HOW[/i] it's so strange that we've never met in reality!
5) Why i fantasize about what Umfuld's penis looks like with his legs spread open as he moans on the computer chair and lets one shoulder of his bathrobe slide down, over his tricep and oops! his uncut penis is getting harder as it floats off the cumstained computer chair
6) What my penis looks like
7) What my mom's boobs look like
8) [i][b][u]HOW[/i][/b][/u] i listen to music as i drive to my therapy appointment which happens three times a week, often times seven
9) THINGS I THINK ABout while i poop. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahah aha ha AHAh ahaha HA AHA i left the capslock button on [i][u]BY ACCIDENT[/i][/u]. ok, i'm making a facebook update about that one alone! get ready to press "[i]LIKE[/i]" and then use your imagination to imagine what it would be like if there was a "[i][u]LICK[/i][/u]" button and when you press it, my face appears on your screen and i snake right through it (i'm naked) and slither right down and tongue your penis head with my lips and your uncut, pale cock gets hard and floats up off the maufukkin computer chair and i bite [i]bite[/i] [i][b]BITE[/i][/b] it with my snake fangs (sorry Umfuld! or i should say MAX!!!!!) and guess what>!>?!?!??!?! our computer chair is not cumstained....YET
10) What it looks like when i fumble me thumbs across the big ass nipples upon your mom's fun fun hangers (that have super black nipples set against pale yellow skin) and i'm like fuckin munching her fur pile after snorting about 160 mls of fuckin oxycodone.
11) WHY THE [b]fuck[/b] you should be [i]VOTING 5 ON MY SITE AND ONE-PLUSing MY COMMENTS[/i]
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