I'm calling it early: at the end of Lost, it's revealed that JR wasn't shot, it was all a dream, they awake in Bob Newhart's old sitcom, in an autistic kid's imagination, after Jack marries Ross, Gilligan finds a HoJos or something on the other side of the island, Hearst comes to town and the plot goes to shit, they show flash forwards of everyone's eventual death, all the potentials become slayers, and they all go crashing through a giant Cliff Richard billboard and over the side of a cliff, in a stolen double decker bus.
and then the camera zooms out through the clouds, out of the atmosphere, out of the solar system, out of the galaxy (you can see star trek flying by) out of a cluster of galaxies (you can see the death star and a giant blue projection of obi wan) then finally we're zoomed out so much that we realize the Lost universe is just an electron spinning in the atom existing in another lost universe starting to happen. then it zooms all through that shit to and lo and behold the next atom up is a pube atom on the big beautiful bush of kate being eaten out by me (im like jacob in that universe) kate has such perky dark brown nipples and big bush i just cant not eat her out she has big wrinkly lebia lips, i make her Princess Lebia of the island and i have hairy pussy sex every day, just like i do in this very universe. also: in the lickit > jacob > hairy kate universe i get to see/touch all the hairy pussies of all the hot girls from the show and i get a big surprised cock when i find out Juliette has a big orange hairy pussy.
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