comedie sitcome
Created on: August 4th, 2009
comedie sitcome

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August 4th, 2009
wehhhhh, is not in sync
weird works for me LOL
August 4th, 2009
August 4th, 2009
*random notes on the slap bass*
August 4th, 2009
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Kramer should have said N*GG*R
August 4th, 2009
Jay Leno.
August 4th, 2009
the third loop is my favorite part
August 4th, 2009
did u maek this?
I found it on the internet and made it fit the whole screen
August 4th, 2009
oh wow, nice resizing skillz
August 4th, 2009
nice syncing skills.
October 21st, 2009
It's really a youtube thing that's only now taking off, but ok.
August 4th, 2009
which one of you did this one?
August 4th, 2009
hi Keaton
August 4th, 2009
August 4th, 2009
katon phleps burger and pickles 999
August 4th, 2009
not sure keaton made this one
August 4th, 2009
August 4th, 2009
I used to like this show, but then I realized it was just about a bunch of chronic losers constantly whining about life.
August 4th, 2009
this was supposed to be the summer of george!